Wednesday, March 11, 2009

why i chose this topic

As a child I grew up in a house of women. In that house I've seen my sisters become victims to the hands of their abusive boyfriends. when I see this even today as young man I get very angry . any man who hits a woman I s automatically labeled by me as a coward. the reason why I chose this topic to write about is because of the things I've seen as a child . My uncle was killed when I was about five years old by the local gang members by my house. I wonder everyday my life what little boy or girl sees their mom or sister and any women in their life being beaten, or if any child has seen has witnessed the death of his/her family member due to gun crimes or the hands of some gang banger. I believe that it is wrong to kill someone or even put their lives in danger. Honestly I think that violence is basically pointless. When you are violent there are two possible things that can happen to you, either you’ll die or go to jail. My reason for posting this blog is to get people to see how preserve violence. in this year alone 27 Chicago public school students have died because of violence. I chose to write about this topic because I believe it is something that everyone can relate to and has witnessed at least one time in their life whether i happened to them or some one they know. maybe it hasn’t happened to the them , they’ve probably seen it television. I also what to know what the purpose of violence really is because I think it has no moral at all. I really don’t agree with violence even if it is war because endangering some ones life for any reason is just wrong. I also chose this topic because I seen it a lot as child and I can really talk about something that I have witnessed and something I can talk about.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your uncle.

    I wonder if your topic is too broad, as you move from gang-related violence to domestic violence. Why don't you choose the one that most interests you and just focus on that for future posts?
