Monday, March 16, 2009

credible vs. non-credible

The difference between credible sources and non credible sources is that non credible sources are sites that you go on and the information that is given can be true but it isn’t all facts. Basically what I am saying is that information from a non credible source is getting someone else’s point of view meaning that that the information given isn’t necessarily all facts. An example of a non credible source is wikipedia. reason being is because it doesn’t have an author and because it doesn’t have edu. A credible source on the other hand would be a web-site such as,0,5883313.story is because it has footnotes and author and it has advertising and it has an author as well, it also give numerical data that is valid. I think in most cases a credible source is something or someone whose words, ideas, or notions are considered to be veritable and factual and vice-versa for a none credible source. A none credible source is something that isn’t factual and is basically someone’s opinion such as getting your information off of a blog site. on a blog site it is really just posting your thoughts about a particular not giving any valid information just thoughts and opinions and any true info. that is what seperates credible sources from non credible sources.

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